Ciera Britton, Lion’s Eye Editor,
Brandywine was introduced to Green Dots, a part of the university wide program called Stand for State.
“Be more positive, Green Dot,” Danielle Smith, a student at the presentation, said.
Stand for State was created to give students information on how to respond and remain calm and confident in order to avoid intensifying a bad situation. Two hundred Penn State employees have been trained to date on the program created by Penn State President Eric Barron’s Sexual Assault Task Force.
The goal of Stand for State is to infuse constructive and encouraging ways of handling problematic issue that occur on and off campus.
The main concept is based off of two color dots: Red Dots and Green Dots. Red Dots are acts of violence such as interpersonal violence, stalking, hitting, rape, and other accounts of assault or unwanted touching. Green Dots are influential and positive choices that protect individuals.
Individuals involved in interpersonal violence can involve others in an already dangerous situation and understand how to approach and diffuse the situation. The Green Dots help students understand what to do when a Red Dot situation occurs and how to remain safe themselves.
Throughout the presentation tactics were explained such as how to defuse situations and how to be proactive. The crowd was taught how to distract, as well as given everyday examples of being a Green Dot. Some examples of being a Green Dot are to serve as the designated driver, call for help when one sees something suspicious, or call a friend over if a situation seems uncomfortable.
Students were also shown how to assertively approach a suspicious person to determine safety. If an individual is nervous about approaching a situation directly, leaders explained there is nothing wrong with drawing attention away from it in order to turn a Red Dot situation into a Green Dot situation.
Stand for State’s program explains that bystanders also have an obligation in a Red Dot situation to save themselves, while trying to prevent harm. With a Green Dot involved, no one has to get hurt.
Students were encouraged to spread awareness of the campaign in several ways like wearing a Stand for State pin as representation in order to draw attention and encourage questions and involvement about the program.
Many people do not speak out in fear of being harmed themselves. A presentation on diversions and continuing the spread of Green Dots was made more crucial by this program. The message: we must all stand together in order to speak up for and protect those who are unable to protect themselves.
To continue with the university’s cause of avoiding and preventing Red Dot situations, a Stand for State Leadership Institute training session will be held on Saturday, April 16.
For more information, contact Ronika Money-Adams at or Stephanie Jones at
Story updated by the Lion’s Eye Web Staff