Parking Enforcement

Even though the spring semester is coming to a close, some Brandywine students have still not registered their cars nor gotten a parking pass. Despite what some students may think the fact remains: if you do not abide by the parking rules, you will be ticketed.

Brandywine, being a commuter-only campus, has a high volume of students driving to class every day. The parking lot only has a few major rules regarding parking; these include: students registering their car, students not parking in the spots reserved for staff and students displaying their parking passes. Not following these rules — your car will be ticketed.

Freshman Al Boucetta feels that getting a parking permit is not worth the trouble. “There’s no big issue with me parking my car,” Boucetta said.  “I have never gotten a ticket for it and nothing ever happens.”

It seems that Boucetta may have been lucky to this point for not getting a ticket because Brandywine police chief Lewis Sweigartis adamant that campus police do monitor the parking lots and will ticket cars violating any rules.

Chief Sweigart does admit that Brandywine is more lax when it comes to enforcing these parking rules, as they are more concerned with issues regarding campus safety.

“At Penn State Harrisburg if you do not have a parking pass you have a 90 to 95 percent chance of getting a ticket,” Sweigart said.

Tickets are still given out at Brandywine, and the best way to avoid getting one is to simply get a parking pass. Parking passes can be obtained by registering your car on the Penn State Brandywine website. The parking permit application takes about 5 minutes to complete and is free.

Parking rules are not the only rules that students must follow when in the school parking lot; there is also a posted speed limit of 13 mph which students are expected to obey.

And as for the unusual speed limit, Sweigart speculates that it is purely for memory.

“Everyone remembers 13 mph,” Sweigart said.

Keith Petersen

Lion’s Eye Staff Editor,

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