Kicking off the women’s soccer team

This year, Penn State Brandywine has its very first women’s soccer team, and playing the position of right back is junior Jennifer Lindauer.

It may surprise some to know that Lindauer came to Brandywine with no experience as a soccer player.

“I’ve played a couple of other sports, but my main one was lacrosse,” Lindauer said. “I played for school and travel. I actually missed playing lacrosse a lot, so that’s part of the reason why I joined the soccer team.”

After hearing other students discussing the upcoming team, Lindauer was interested. Soon she spoke to Bobbi Caprice, who works in many areas of our school’s athletic department, and made the decision to join the team.

“Bobbi had a lot of great reasons why it would be a good idea to play, as well as the head coach,“ Lindauer said. “I also figured it’d be an exciting way to get back in shape.”

Since then, Lindauer has had a lot of fun on and off the field with her team. She said the girls have become one big family, and it helps them to play better.

“I’ve played on a lot of teams where everyone didn’t clique together, and you can see it on the field,” Lindauer said. “Becoming so close so fast, in my opinion, gives us a slight advantage over other teams.”

Even with all of the fun they are having, Lindauer says there is some pressure since it is the school’s first year with a team. Their effective combination of teamwork and practice seem to be paying off, though, as they currently have a record of 3-2.

As for the rest of the season, Lindauer hopes to go to University Park for the championships and also improve on her own personal skills as a player.

“My goal for the season is to learn how to hit a long ball correctly,” Lindauer said. “Everyone makes it look so easy, but I rarely can get the ball off the ground unless I toe it.”

The Lion’s Eye will continue to follow the progress of the team.

Lion’s Eye Staff Writer
Brooke Byrne,

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